We got an idea from a comment regarding your property taxes and those in areas that receive more city services than us. We decided to pick at random various addresses in various police districts and the total taxes billed for that address in 2009.
Info provided in the following order
Address; 2009 Taxes; Police District; House/Apartment219 w. 109th st; $372.15; 5th District; house
12015 s. wallace; $1710.08; 5th District; house
7506 s. emerald; $2743.10; 6th District; apartment
8006 s. damen; $1595.88; 6th District; house
8219 s. muskegon; $1737.52; 4th District; house
10812 s. calhoun; $686.55; 4th District; house
7211 s. winchester; $840.44; 7th Distict; house
5543 s. shields; $2065.68; 7th District; house
11223 s. church; $1852.94; 22nd District; house
2211's beat
10414 s. troy; $3022.67; 22nd District; house
10819 s. hamlin; $2706.00; 22nd District; house
10734 s. maplewood; $3506.86; 22nd District; house
11245 s. drake; $3347.87; 22nd District; house
All of this information is readily available online if you know where to look. Our thoughts on some of these numbers. 11223 S. Church St is located on the east end of the 22nd District. That street gets excess police service from the 22nd District and they pay roughly half of the property tax that we do.
An APARTMENT building in the 6th district at 7506 S. Emerald pays less money than 3 of the 4 properties we looked at for Beat 2211. Apartment buildings should be paying a premium as they are investment properties, but because they are in areas that suck everything good away, they get to pay less than a single family house in our neighborhood.
A house in the 5th district at 219 w. 109th st. pays less than $500.00 A YEAR for taxes. The 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th districts have smaller beats and get extra help in the form of an outside unit called Tactical Response Unit regularly.
Let's throw more onto the tax fire. A progressive federal income tax. Earn more, pay more. A state income tax that some politicians want to raise. Penalties for working hard and being successful. Wheel tax (city sticker) for owning a car in the city. State Registration. Electric and natural gas consumption taxes. High sales tax. Entertainment tax. Phone taxes. Parking fees. What are we missing? These are all some of the ways the city, county and state rape us regularly for being successful/responsible members of our community. We also know of the roundabout ways of raising our 'taxes' that are not direct ways. Raise taxes on companies and force the companies to charge us more.
Now, say you earn nothing and are a dredge on society, get a Link card, get Section 8 housing vouchers, get free health care at any public health center or hospital, get taxes done for free by city, get job training for free, get a public defender when you are a fuck up, get to keep the cash earned from the drug trade and still get all of the free public welfare because you show no income, get SSI, get government subsidized cell phones, government subsidized daycare when you want other people to raise your children. Extra police protection. Extra fire protection. Where does it stop? Did we miss some? Please fill us in on some of the other stuff the dredge of society receive that we forgot or were unaware of.
After all of that money has burned a hole in our pocket, at the end of the day we are left out here to defend ourselves and have the assistance of 2211 when they can make it out this way and 2211a when they decide to man the car and not detail it to some other beat.