Friday, June 18, 2010

The Blame Game

It is a game. Everytime something goes wrong, we all look for someone to blame. And sometimes we have to look in the mirror. When our child fucks up. When we don't pay a bill. When our car breaks down and we didn't keep up the maintenance. But when it comes to the public at large, the blame falls largely on the shoulders of the politicians.

From comments.

The responsibility for crime and all the other social upheaval in our neighborhood cant sit squarely on the shoulders of the politicians that we elect. Certainly, you don't want them, or for that matter the police in your living room every time something in our own homes goes wrong. Its always easier to point a finger at someone else as being at fault. I once had an FTO that told me that 95% of everything that goes wrong, is our own responsibility. In his words, "we do it to ourselves". If it feels better to blame someone else, thats just human nature. These are shit times. We have people moving in that dont have the wherewithall to be here. Is that the politicians fault, or the lender who makes his money processing a mortgage that will be sold to another finacial institution? The attitude is fuck it, I got mine. The ones left holding the bag are us, the ones who pay our bills, and our taxes.
But local politicians dont write the script for the private sector, they don't hold approval over the loans given to unqualified applicants.

On another level, the politicians dont send gangbangers and druggies into our neighborhood . After all, they live here too. And the courts basically uphold the rights of these dirtbags to go where they want. The pendulum has swung the other way. The media has spread false sense of fair play.

Look at all the boo-hooing in the papers for murderers of Officers Doyle, Fahey and O'Brien. Look at the comments section following the articles about the Burge trial. They convict Burge in the press and then complain that the Wilson brothers were stereotyped by the police as offenders only because of their race, not their criminal histories. You want to point a finger, theres a lot of directions to go. If I were to boil it down to who's responsible for our neighborhoods going down the drain, I'd have to look at the media, and those who forget that they themselves are a for profit business, NOT A PUBLIC SERVICE. Ive said enough, I have to go watch Maury Povich, he's doing another one of those "whose your daddy?" themed shows that are so relevant to we, the people who work to keep our neighborhoods up. Sorry for the rant, just venting.

The politicians are very responsible for what is happening. They, from the federal level to the local level, control all of the regulation that occurs in society. They are also the same ones that put pressure on the banks to make loans to individuals that could not pay it back if they want to, using your mortgage analogy.

That attitude of 'fuck it, I got mine,' occurs very regularly in politics and the attitude has filtered down through to the private sector. Look at pork barrel projects in America. Say a fiscally responsible republican says no to a spending bill and is staunchly against it. Then with some negotiation later, he is for the bill because he is getting a new airport built in his district, which is hidden in the bill. 'Fuck it, I got mine.'

Look at the police contract. The police are upset because they got shafted on their raise. And they have good reason to be. We don't think the police would be that upset if the attitude of the politicians were truly sincere. The police saw the alderman pass themselves a 6% raise and a significant raise for their staff as well. 'Fuck it, I got mine' attitude took hold. Now they got their raise, everyone else must suffer. If the alderman took no raise to a 2% a year raise, then the police wouldn't have a leg to stand on and would truly understand the financial crisis at hand.

The media is to blame. However, the media is controlled by the politicians. Do you think the reporter at city hall wants to be kicked out of the loop because they reported something unfavorably towards the administration. They are puppets for the politicians because they feel they have to be. That is why the blog world, personal reporting and individual learning has exploded because people know where to find the truth and opinion that reflects what they see with their own two eyes.

As far as the judges and the judicial system, well they are elected....after being appointed or allowed to run by the powers that be. If you don't fit the agenda that the political powers want, you won't win the election or be appointed. And if you get elected and don't fit the agenda, enjoy being a judge at traffic court.

We need politicians that are in their positions for the people they serve. Not for the elites, the money people, the lobbyists, the reverends, etc. Politicians need to start listening to their constituents or start looking for other jobs.


Anonymous said...

When I was in college I took a journalism course. My professor was a very well known journalist (now deceased). The first day of class he stated that journalism was dead and that anyone who calls themself a journalist or reporter now adays is someone who has an ax to grind or was picked on as a kid. I thought his speach was a little odd. Now looking back I see how very right he was. I'm not giving his name but I'm sure many of you can guess who he was.

Anonymous said...

blogs like this will soon be a thing of the past once the second coming takes control of the internet.