Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Note for Working Police

There are many different types of police officers out there. Those that work on traffic offenses, those that handle dope cases, those that work the schools, etc. MTGP appreciates all of you for all of your work. The question becomes why do you chase the numbers in districts that are perpetually shitty? What benefit do you get for doing that hard work? It definitely isn't for the gratitude the cititzens give you. It isn't the average 10% raise, over 5 years, that the city felt you were worth. (Actually, they thought you were worth 16% for a couple of days, then 0%, then 5%) Court? We'll give you that, that is if you get notified for it. That meritorious promotion? Why work for that when the city has never defined what meritorious is and those around you that do not work get promoted because they are 5 cousins removed from the political donor of Daley's campaign?

You, the working copper, deserve more. If you live in Mt. Greenwood, you should consider one reason to work in 022. To protect your family and the homefront. Screw all of the rest of the 'benefits' to working this job and focus on the one thing in the end that truly matters, those who truly love and appreciate you.

So, consider this as a 'Help Wanted' poster for those out there that know how to be the police and are completely frustrated with the way the city and most of its citizens treat you. Come to 022 and share your wisdom and drive for doing police work with everyone in your community. Your neighborhood needs you, now more than ever.


Anonymous said...

Alot of working coppers have gone to 22 but they always seem to be stuck on the east end while the lazy shitbirds work our neighborhood. And i agree we need more of are own working the homefront but its hard for cops to leave and go to a place with coward bosses who wouldnt stand up for their own mother. i think it would be easier to get every home owner to buy a gun and shoot every single piece of garbage that drives through the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

i believe 022 hasnt had any openings in a yr. in early 2009 they had openings 3 straight months and 10 yrs on the job did not get you in. work in a garbage district now and would like nothing more than to be on the homefront. no clout, no phone call, not enough seniority, those are the breaks. every month i hope along with dozens of others there will be a chance to get there. its nice to see the support for the police this blog has shown. i for one will keep trying and add any info to the blog. thank you

Anonymous said...

if you have the chance , bid or phone call get assigned to 22

we need some more hard working officers , 90 % of officers in 22 are doing a great job

remember the squeky wheels get all the grease call on everything in the 10 sector mt greenwood and beverly minor violations for parking , suspicious people , vehicles keep the beat cars where they belong

please DO NOT wait for an emergency

we want to stay on our beat and patrol

Anonymous said...

God Bless the police officer from 006 that gave his life today. Thoughts and prayers to his family.

Anonymous said...

off duty cop from 007-shot and killed in 006 last nite.... 84th/king dr.

Anonymous said...

Always help out your brother and sister officers and their families First. We only have each other to depend on.

Anonymous said...

Most of the cops in 022 are good for shit and do little work. But why not, they still get paid on the 1st and 16th why do work. As cops in other districts have done they have de policed

Anonymous said...

Just because you don't "work" in 022, doesn't mean you can't be the Police around here! Coppers need to get proactive, organizing their neighbors, and attending Beat meetings. If you are the Police and you got trouble on your block, shame on you. Go talk to the Bosses in 022. Get a Tact Lt. to send a team. Call 911 with the proper buzzwords. Everyone thinks the Police stick together... WELL THEY'RE RIGHT!!!! Wouldn't you help a copper that came to you in your District?